Version control

easier than ever for engineers

We hope that project files only move forward and never backward, but we know that looking back at historical versions is inevitable. EverCraft can turn back the clock of your files.

One-click Commit
Go Back Anytime

Never lose any milestone of your project.

Commit Comparison
Find Difference

Nothing matters more than changes in file history.

Mini mode,
Stay on your side

Recapture forgotten ideas whenever you need.

EverCraft vs.

A version control tool, support for binary files such as CAD files, suitable for engineers(such as mechanical engineers, etc.), simple features, no learning curve

A cloud-based storage service that is great for storing files and sync them for easy sharing.

A version control system that supports source code and large binary digital assets, and is suitable for enterprise use with a higher learning curve.

A version control system widely used by programmers , which is comprehensive and has a high learning curve.

Product Launch Plan

Build in public, let's make version control more easier than ever for engineers together.


One-click Commit, Commit Comparison, Mini mode

Supports macOS 11+ and Windows 10+ 64-bit


Expected to release in Q1 2024
Tentatively adding cloud and CAD online viewer features


Launch plan not determined
Will focus on team collaboration features


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